CBT Calisthenics

Some Exercise – For Your Cock

CBT Calisthenics
Now I know “ALL” of you wankers are thinking, “But Ms.Isabelle, my cock already gets a workout…every time I jerk it!”  Ha ha ha (the sarcasm is just dripping off those words).  When you beat the bishop, he doesn’t get a workout.  Sure, your forearm and wrist does, but your cock and balls are getting no exercise.  So, grab yourself a leather thong, a shoelace, or even a piece of thin rope and either some fishing weights or a 20 ounce soda bottle filled with water, and let’s get to work.

Some Stretching First

Wrap that rope around the base of your dick, then take it down around your ball sac, using the rope to split your balls, so one is on either side of the rope, then back around the top of your ball sac where it meets your cock.  Take the free ends and either tie a loop in them so you can hang the weights from them, or tie them around the neck of the bottle.  Just let it dangle there, so you get a good stretch.  Now, if you’re really ambitious, you can get yourself a parachute ball stretcher and you won’t need to mess with the rope!


Now Some Cardio

All stretched out my slut?  Nice and warmed up?  Well, it’s time for some cardio.  So let’s start with some deep knee bends.  Bend down until the weights or the bottle are just about to touch the floor, then straighten back up.  20 of those, and we can move on – to Jumping Jacks!  That’s right, jump up and down and feel that weight tugging on your balls!  You know what?  This really doesn’t give them any exercise either – but you look so fucking silly.  The things you do to please me get me so wet!  Keep up the Jumping Jacks until those balls are nice and achy – not like a swollen pair of blue balls, but we can take care of that too!

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